Home Delivery FAQ's

Why do you only deliver on Monday and Thursday? 

These are the two days that we go to the markets, and we want you to have the freshest possible fruit and vegetables as soon as we have them.

What time do you deliver? 

We are usually ready to start delivering from 11:00am onwards. On market days, we get the goods back to the shop between 8 and 9 am, then we need to unload the van, set up the store for the day and then pack all our orders, so it takes a little while.

Do you knock or do you leave it at my door? 

That is up to you. We are happy to do either, but we are keen to knock on the door for any of you ‘first-timers’ so you know what to expect. It usually gives you the chance to meet our driver and ask any questions or make a suggestion or request about the deliveries. If you just need the box left somewhere, please make sure you type in the delivery instructions before you ‘checkout’ your cart.

What if I don’t like one of the items in the box? 

Please tell us in the comments field on the right-hand side before you add the product to your cart. We will make sure not to pack them and replace them with something else.

What happens if I forget to place my order on time? 

Please simply send us an email at info@areteorganics.com.au with your request and phone number and we will do our best to put it together for you, and take your payment over the phone. To ensure you get what you want though, it is better to put your order through our online store in time.

Can I just call you and place an order instead? 

Yes you can, but we recommend that you place your orders online and in time so that we know what to get from the markets.

What is the difference between using PayPal and Direct Bank Transfer? 

In short, the main difference is time.

When you choose Direct Bank Transfer, you are given our BSB and Account number for where to transfer your payment from your own online banking (remembering to add your order number). That payment can show up on our bank account up to 2 working days later, so please remember that we do not deliver until we have confirmation that payment has been made. Choosing this method and placing your order the day before delivery may not always work out.

If you choose PayPal, we would get notification immediately. Most people have an account with PayPal, but even if you don’t, you can still make a payment through them, as long as you have a credit or debit card. We recommend you use PayPal.

Can I set up an automatically repeating weekly order? 

Yes you can. Once you have made your first online purchase, we send you a follow-up email which gives you a link to a ‘subscription’ page on our site. On this page, you select the size and type of box you want delivered, then you select the day of delivery (Monday or Thursday), followed by any special instructions. It is very easy to set-up and easy to cancel.

Will it always be organic food? 

Yes. We will only deliver certified organic food. We do not compromise on this rule.

Do you want the box back? 

If you wish to return the box, we are more than happy to take it away on our next delivery. Just leave the empty box wherever the next one is to be delivered to, and our delivery man will take it away and re-use it.

Where can I leave feedback? 

There are many ways of giving us feedback, and we are very interested to hear any that you have. You can call us, post something on our Facebook page, email us, hire a sky-writer, come in to the shop or even speak to our delivery man when you next see him.

If there is some aspect of the service that needs improving, we would appreciate the opportunity to be made aware of it, so we can be better. Or equally if there is something about the service that is you think is great, we don’t want you to be shy about that either.